Friday, July 25, 2008

First tip

if you want to stay alive and well enough to help the planet by coming up with new and different ways of being green, do NOT eat 12 burgers from White Castle.

I'm 39 yrs old and I am afraid I am not going to get a day older. Ugh, I am not a 19 yr old stoner anymore thinking I can eat anything.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Shot

Looking for links on the web for stuff to start with, here's the first one that comes up. I guess I should try to take a look through it before I post it, eh? Well, I did :) It's a big place, but from what I can see, the best part of it is that it allows you to look at sites by category as well as alphabetically.

Maybe one day I'll be on there, eh?


Okay, that sounds lame, but hell, I'm just getting started.

What is this anyway? It's an attempt at making a blog about stuff I am concerned with - going green. What's real? What's crap? What is an advertising gimmick to make it so you'll buy it to salve your conscience? To me, the last one is becoming more and more popular.

So what's the deal? What's real and what's not?


Hence, the blog. Hopefully, I can find some cool stuff for people to do without having to spend a lot of money - changing to a hybrid car, putting in solar panels, etc.

More along the lines of a 'How does it work' kind of thing, but for green stuff you can do all by yourself, or your family, or your block...

Lets see what happens, shall we?